The Second Most Important Pitch
The Second Most Important Pitch is a 3-year ESRC-funded project at the University of Edinburgh Business School that aims to study a pivotal evaluative hurdle that influences the ability of new digital ventures to prosper and grow.
This new research project addresses an evaluation hurdle that plays a major, but unacknowledged, role in the growth and scaling of new digital ventures. Much has been written about the first equity pitch given to investors. While important, this is only an initial step in securing a future for the digital enterprise.
A vital subsequent step is making a ‘second pitch’ to industry analysts. This further pitch (and receiving the backing of these market actors) is crucial for helping digital enterprises to develop and prosper, but significantly it has not yet been studied. Gathering observational data on these second pitches, and applying insights from ‘Valuation Studies’, we intend to analyse the factors that lead to some ventures receiving these essential endorsements and others not.